Corporate Social Responsibility has become an important element for Company which conducts its acivities by upholding GCG principles. The main objecive of CSR implementaion is to improve the society’s welfare in its economic, social, educaional, health, and environmental aspect. Through CSR implementaion, the Company is expected to strengthen its reputaion as a company which consistently express concerns to the society, offers inspiraion to the stakeholders to increase concerns to Indonesia’s society and environment. PTIS` commitment on social, environmental, and economic development become the background in implemening its business, while respecing the environment and the people is the basic responsibility of the Company.
As a business group which is also part of wider community, PTIS takes part in improving the quality and welfare of its surrounding communities. The Company does not limit the program implementation in its internal parties, but also encourages active participation from related government insitutions and the communities living near PTIS’ operational region.
Due to the commitment and seriousness of PTIS` to share, grow together and provide more benefits to the people of Indonesia, PTIS continues to pursue and expand the type and scope of CSR acivities in various fields. PTIS’ undoubtedly commitment is to continue driving an increase in benefits to stakeholders both in terms of economic, social and environment through the implementation of the budget allocation policy of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) that takes into account the principles of decency and fairness.
Besides being an effort to implement GCG’s principles, CSR represents the Company commitment to achieve sustainable growth. In 2014, PTIS had the theme “Give of Sight” on its CSR acivities by the distribution of glasses and essential supplies to those in need. In this acivity PTIS was able to distribute more than 1,000 free glasses plus 1,000 packs of food package of Sembako to the community Pringsewu Regency and Regency Pesawaran of Lampung Province through the cooperation with “Royal Club-Singapore Lions” and also partnered with local organizations namely Masyarakat Peduli Nusantara “Pinus”.
These programs are expected to bring sustainable positive impact for the environment and communities as well as paricipated in helping to reduce the difficulties felt by the community, through social service programs that would be planned as the Company’s annual acivities.
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Floor Suite 1501
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Jakarta – 14350
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