Indonesian Citizen, 35 years old and domiciled in Bekasi. Received a Bachelor of Law degree from the Indonesian Christian University in 2012.
Has 10 years of work experience in various positions in several companies including Corporate Affairs & Communication PT Bank Artha Graha Internasional Tbk (2013-2015), Government Relations Specialist PT Mandiri Tunas Finance (2015-2018), Corporate Secretary Supervisor PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk ( 2018-2019), Corporate Secretary of PT Sumber Mitra Jaya (2019-2020), Assistant Manager Corporate Secretary & Legal HRD of PT Surya Toto Indonesia Tbk (2020-2021), Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Triwira Insan Lestari Tbk (2021-2022). Apart from serving as Corporate Secretary, currently he also holds the position of Company Legal (2022-present).
Legal Basis of Appointment
The legal basis for his appointment as Corporate Secretary is based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of the Company No.120/SK-DIR/CS/PTIS/XI/2022 dated 15 November 2022 concerning Appointment of the Corporate Secretary. This appointment is in compliance with OJK Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014 dated 8 December 2014 concerning Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies. The appointment has also been reported to OJK and announced to the public via the SPEOJK/IDXNet website (e-reporting).
Term of Office
Hasudungan Christober Fernandes Tambunan, SH has served as Corporate Secretary effective since 15 November 2022 until now.
The Corporate Secretary is a company organ that has an important role in facilitating the company’s internal communications, bridging communication between the company and shareholders, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and other stakeholders, as well as ensuring the company’s compliance with the rules and regulations that apply in the capital market sector.
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Jakarta – 14350
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